
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Behind the curtains

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot  of hard work.” ― Stephen King

I would like to share with you the story of one amazing women I meat a year ago and gladly can call her my friend. She is one talented women who puts her heart in everything she is creating. I had the chance to see and photo-shoot many of her beautiful designs and each and every time she left me speechless. As a full time job Danielle is a music teacher but on her own time she is an amazing baker. She and her sister Renee are the owners of Currently both are running the business as a part time job but they are looking to end that and focus their time on the amazing cakes/cookies/cupcakes they are making. The reason I am writing about Danielle and her sister is because up until few day ago, I never truly known what means to make a cake. Yes sure, we all know the simple procedure of mixing and baking but there is so much more about designing a cake. Did you known that the average time to bake a mud cake is around 4h? Yes my dear readers, 4h only on baking, and add on top of that the time spent on designing the cake. We all have ideas and would like beautiful cakes but we never give a second thought on how hard it is to make that cake.
I have been witness the process of making a beautiful Victorian train for a birthday party few days ago and all I can tell you is that there is a lot of work involved. Apart from the 4 hours of baking the cake, Danielle spent more than 7h to decorate the cake. Once the baking was over, Danielle had to cut the cake in the right dimensions. For the Victorian train Danielle had to use two cakes which she cut in half long ways and filled them with caramel ganache. Once all the filling and cutting was done, Danielle had to cover them both in fondant and apply the support for the top cake.
Danielle manually creates each and every piece for the cake. This involves a lot of patience and time. I don't think this job is suitable for everybody, I, for instance gave up 10 minutes after she started. It is fascinating to watch how she's measuring each piece and she makes sure they are the same length, shape and size. How she studies the photo so many times till she gets the piece exactly as she wants it. With so much care and patience she glues all parts together, she than walk around and studies more. She smiles when everything comes all together and the piece before her eyes starts to look exactly like the customer request.

The steps to a beautiful cake:

                                                                Beautiful Danielle

                                                                   THE END

Sunday 12 August 2012

The challenge

In order to improve our photography and work on our creative side, me and my friend Lorna decided to give each other one object and see where our imagination takes us.

We gave each other similar objects, I got some colourful numbers to play with.

Here is the result of my imagination.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Getting inspired

I have so many ideas running through my little head but so little time to actually do something about it. I am thinking of improving my photography as well as my writing. I want to give it a go to my creative side and create something.

I guess I always find excuses,I know that's something I should not be proud of but is the truth in the end.

So I thought, I may give myself timelines on each and every thing I want to do.

Photography- Find a project and work around it by 23rd September

Writing - Get my current book checked for spelling and grammar mistakes and publish 1st chapter on Wattpad by 23rd November

Creating- Get ideas and create something that may help me in my future shootings by 23rd December

I guess sometimes we need to motivate ourselves in everything we wish to do even if that is a little project or a big one.

So, this is my way to remind myself that there are things that I should do because they make me happy.


Saturday 4 August 2012

Glad to be back:)

It has been a while since my last entry. There is a reason behind it, I was out of ideas and with no motivation in doing something at all. That changed, thanks to my friend Lorna.She is the only one who brings me back from my la la land. I am so happy to have her back. She arrived back in Melbourne 3 weeks ago and to celebrate we went out shooting:) it was an great morning and both got some amazing photos. Hope you'll enjoy it:)