
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Getting inspired

I have so many ideas running through my little head but so little time to actually do something about it. I am thinking of improving my photography as well as my writing. I want to give it a go to my creative side and create something.

I guess I always find excuses,I know that's something I should not be proud of but is the truth in the end.

So I thought, I may give myself timelines on each and every thing I want to do.

Photography- Find a project and work around it by 23rd September

Writing - Get my current book checked for spelling and grammar mistakes and publish 1st chapter on Wattpad by 23rd November

Creating- Get ideas and create something that may help me in my future shootings by 23rd December

I guess sometimes we need to motivate ourselves in everything we wish to do even if that is a little project or a big one.

So, this is my way to remind myself that there are things that I should do because they make me happy.


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