
Sunday 25 September 2011

Sweetcheeks Cookies and Cakes

This year I’ve decided that all of us deserve a cake for our b-days , I can’t remember having one since I arrived in Australia.

My brother in law’s b-day(September) was first. fallowed by my husband(November) and ending with mine (December). So I’ve start looking at places where I can order a cake and I found it.

This place is amazing, I am so happy I found it. I’ve met Danielle few weeks ago. She is such a lovely person and her talent and passion is incredible. Gosh, she’s amazing!!

I strongly recommend you to have a look on their website and do not hesitate to contact this amazing teamfor any special ocassion you may have.

My brother in law is a huge fan of FC Barcelona so I’ve asked Danielle if she can make me a cake with the logo on.

Monday 19 September 2011


Photography I am really motivated to gain more experience in this field. Even is not a day to day job, I've decided that I will try each weekend to get to shoot at least for one or tow hours. I have already told people I know, if they are interested in having their photos taken to contact me or maybe HELP ME OUT!! I got some great feedbacks and have some bookings done for early October. I am really excited and cannot wait to have my proper shooting session. Well not really as I am not a photographer but I will get there one day. Now, I just need to focus more on practicing, I am pretty sure someone up there will take good care of me and make my other dream came true. :) small steps get you in the right direction. So many things to do, never been that busy. I need to start organising myself otherwise I will loose track of important thinks. It is hard when you have only 24h a day and at least 8 of them I sleep and other 8-9h I work. I am not counting, school, gym, and housework:) I guess since I don't have many friends around I may as well be very busy so I don't miss having company. :) I will keep you updated with my first photo-shoot session. October looks good in terms of photography!!!! Alex

Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Secret Wood Of Araviel

I cannot tell you how happy I am, when I got the email from our publisher today, I was so nervous and it felt so unreal seeing my name there…Gosh!!! So much to take in one day.J Very happy!!! Me and my husband were busy this afternoon taking pictures of myself for the back of the book. Not happy with the results but I assume I will never be so there is no point of trying anymoreJ
Ok guys, have a look and let me know what you think. Is not ready yet as on the back are more to came.
Happy Happy Happy!!!!!