
Wednesday 31 August 2011

The secret wood of Araviel

It started with a dream and passion for writing and I got lucky along my journey to meet and make a friend that shared the same interests. From there, we find our selves writing, the writing end up with a book. Having a book published, for me will be a huge accomplish in life. Being able to write down my ideas and thoughts that eventually will end up into a book is a great success already.

I am not seeking to get rich or be famous, I learned along years that money and fame would not bring back health or people you lost. So is better to cherish the moments you have with your close ones and enjoy small things life gives you and not worry on how to make more money or how to get more famous. Anyway, I am so excited!!!!

Today I have in my agenda to send off the manuscript and cover so that the team, that has been assigned to us can start working on it.

I thought to sheer with you some covers ideas that Lorna came up with. As another hidden talent of hers is drawing.

Hope you will enjoy it!!!

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